cranko show

The cranko show command displays various potentially useful pieces of information about Cranko, its execution environment, and so on. It provides several subcommands:

cranko show cranko-concept-doi

This commands prints the concept DOI associated with the Cranko software package.


cranko show cranko-concept-doi


The printed DOI is a citeable identifier associated with Cranko that will never change. Each individual release of Cranko is also associated with a “version DOI”, which you can use to log the specific version of Cranko that you used in a particular workflow. Citation metadata link the different version DOIs through the concept DOI.

You are unlikely to need this command in everyday workflows.

cranko show cranko-version-doi

This commands prints the DOI associated with the currently running version of Cranko.


cranko show cranko-version-doi


Each release of Cranko should have a unique version number as well as a unique version DOI. While most DOIs resolve to scholarly publications, Cranko version DOIs “resolve” to a specific release of Cranko, logged with associated metadata and digital artifacts. If you wish to record the exact version of Cranko that you used in a workflow in the context of a scholarly citation system, use this DOI.

cranko show if-released

This command prints whether a project was just released. It expects to be run on a CI system with the release branch checked out, after the build has succeeded and cranko release-workflow commit../cicd/ has been invoked.


cranko show if-released [--exit-code] [--tf] {PROJECT_NAME}

Different arguments activate different modes by which the program will indicate whether the named project was just released.

  • --exit-code: the program will exit with a success exit code (0 on Unix-like systems) if the project was released. It will exit with an error exit code (1 on Unix-like systems) if the project was not released.
  • --tf: the program will print out the word true if the project was released. It print out the word false if the project was not released.

At least one such mechanism must be activated.


$ cranko show if-released --tf myproject

cranko show tctag

This command prints out a thiscommit: tag that includes the current date and some random characters, for easy copy-pasting into Cranko internal-dependency lines.


cranko show tctag


$ cranko show tctag

cranko show toposort

This command prints out the names of the projects in the repository, one per line, in topologically-sorted order according to internal dependencies. That is, the name of a project is only printed after the names of all of its dependencies in the repo have already been printed. Because dependency cycles are prohibited, this is always possible. The exact ordering may not be stable, even from one invocation to the next.


cranko show toposort


$ cranko show toposort

cranko show version

This command prints out the version assigned to a project.


cranko show version {PROJECT_NAME}


$ cranko show version foo_lib