cranko github upload-artifacts

Upload artifact files to be associated with a GitHub release.


cranko github upload-artifacts

This command will upload several local files to GitHub and associate them with a GitHub release.

The command operates in two modes. By default, the release that’s modified is the one associated with the Cranko project {PROJECT-NAME}, which is expected to have been released in the current rc run. That release should have been created by the cranko github create-releases command. In this situation, this command should be run in CI processing of an update to the rc branch, after the release has been vetted and the release commit has been created. The current branch should be the release branch.

Alternatively, if the --by-tag option is given, the {PROJECT-NAME} argument is treated as a Git tag name that will be looked up directly on GitHub. This mode is useful if you are trying to upload artifacts associated with a release created with cranko github create-custom-release. In this case, the notion of the “current release” is not necessary, so Cranko’s checks for the state of the environment are not invoked.

This command assumes that a GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) is available in an environment variable named GITHUB_TOKEN.

Because it does not make sense for this command to parallelize over released projects, it has relatively few tie-ins with the Cranko infrastructure. The key touch-point is how, in the default mode, this command uses the Cranko release information and project name to know which Git tag the artifact files should be associated with.


# `rc` branch; we know that project foo_data has been released
$ cranko github create-releases foo_data
$ cranko github upload-artifacts foo_data compiled_v1.dat