cranko github create-custom-release

Create a new GitHub release with customized metadata. You probably ought to be using cranko github create-releases instead.


cranko github create-custom-release
  --name {NAME}
  [--desc {DESC}]

This command creates a new release on GitHub associated with the tag {TAG-NAME}, which should have already been pushed to the GitHub repository.

You should probably using cranko github create-releases instead of this command. The create-releases command efficiently handles monorepos with multiple packages that may be released at different times, and it automatically calculates the tag name, release name, and release description to use for each release. This command should be used only to create GitHub releases that are not associated with particular projects within the source repository. The motivating use case is the creation of a special “continuous” GitHub prerelease that is deleted (see cranko github delete-release) and recreated with each update to a project’s main development branch. Note that this command is essentially decoupled from Cranko’s project-management infrastructure; all it does is leverage its GitHub API authentication hooks.

By default, GitHub associates each release with a tarball and zipball of the repository contents at the time of the release. If you want to associate additional artifacts, use cranko github upload-artifacts with the --by-tag option.

Note that GitHub “draft” releases seem to be treated a bit specially by the API. If you create a draft release with this command, some other release-related operations may not work. (If you encounter such a case, please add it to the documentation here.)