cranko release-workflow commit

Commit staged changes to the release branch, recording information about new releases.


cranko release-workflow commit [--force]

This command should be run in CI processing of an update to the rc branch, after the release has been vetted. The current branch should be the rc branch. This command will switch the current branch to the release branch, pointing at the new release commit.

This command should be run after cranko release-workflow apply-versions to create the final release commit marking the successful release of the packages submitted as part of the current rc request. It can be run either before or after the release request is confirmed to be successful; but if it is run before, care should be taken that the commit is pushed to the upstream repository if and only if the CI tests are successful.

Unlike cranko confirm, this command respects the Git staging workflow, operating like git commit itself. Before running this command, you should first run git add . or something similar before it to stage all changed files. Note that in some workflows, a full build will result in modifications to files beyond those edited by the apply versions command, although ideally this should happen as minimally as possible. For instance, while Cranko can rewrite a Cargo.toml file for you, it does not attempt to rewrite Cargo.lock, which will instead be updated by the next call to cargo build or a similar command. Therefore, you should make sure that your git add command includes both the Cargo.toml and the Cargo.lock files when staging for the release commit.