cranko confirm

Create a new rc commit to request the release of one or more projects.


cranko confirm [--force]

This command gathers release request information prepared from one or more calls to cranko stage and synthesizes it into a new commit on the rc branch. Edited changelog files in the working directory are then reset to match the HEAD commit.

The cranko confirm command analyzes the internal interdependencies of the projects within the repository and will refuse to propose a release with unsatisfied requirements. That is, if a proposed new release of project X would require a new release of project Y but one is not being requested, the command will exit with an error.

After the release request is recorded on the rc branch, in a typical workflow the release request would be submitted to the CI/CD system by pushing the branch to the upstream repository.


$ cranko stage foo_util
foo_util: 4 relevant commit(s) since 1.1.0
$ {edit util/}
$ cranko confirm
info: foo_util: micro bump (expected: 1.1.0 => 1.1.1)
info: staged rc commit to `rc` branch
$ git push origin rc