cranko npm lerna-workaround

Rewrite internal version requirements of npm projects so that Lerna will understand them.


cranko npm lerna-workaround

This command will rewrite the package.json files of your NPM projects.


The Lerna tool is somewhat limited in its understanding of internal dependencies within a repository. If projects A and B are both at version 0.3, and project B states a requirement on version 0.3 of project A, Lerna understands the dependency. However, if project B only requires version 0.2 of project A, Lerna won't realize that the interdependency is internal. This will cause its understanding of the project dependency ordering to be incomplete, potentially leading to build-time errors.

This command can temporarily rewrite your files so that Lerna will correctly understand the internal dependencies. Once you are done using Lerna, you can use Git to revert the changes, restoring your packages to be annotated with the correct dependencies.

A sample CI workflow might look like:

$ cranko release-workflow apply-versions  # write correct versions
$ git add .
$ cranko release-workflow commit  # save them in a release commit
$ cranko npm lerna-workaround  # write fake dep values to working tree
$ lerna bootstrap  # do Lerna-y stuff
$ lerna run build
$ lerna run test  # done with Lerna
$ git checkout .  # throw away fake deps