cranko zenodo publish

Publish a new Zenodo deposit, triggering registration of its DOI.


cranko zenodo publish
  [--force] [-f]

This command should be run in CI processing of an update to the rc branch, after cranko zenodo preregister and any invocations of cranko zenodo upload-artifacts.


cranko zenodo publish --metadata=ci/zenodo.json5

This will publish the Zenodo deposit whose metadata are tracked in the file ci/zenodo.json5.


See the Zenodo integration documentation for an overview and description of Cranko's support for Zenodo deposition. See Zenodo Metadata Files for a specification of the metadata file used by this command.

This command requires that the environment variable ZENODO_TOKEN has been set to a Zenodo API token.

This command should only be run during formal releases, and not during pull requests. Note also that you can choose to not run this command in your CI/CD pipeline, and instead manually publish your Zenodo deposit after review by a human. That may be tempting, because Zenodo deposits cannot be changed once they are published. However, our experience is that it is more reliable and more convenient to fully automate the publication process and fix bugs in that automation as they arise, rather than including a human in the loop. If releases and deposits are “cheap”, there’s no problem with superseding them when one turns out to have a problem.

See also