
To be fleshed out. The gist: More and more people are running Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) analyses and reporting their results in academic papers. If you’re very experienced with MCMC, it can seem obvious how to describe your methods and their results, but for less-experienced folks it can be a bit daunting to figure out how to write up what you’ve done and what you’ve found. This document aims to help by suggesting some “best practices” for reporting MCMC analyses and their results. If you’re refereeing a paper with MCMC analysis, we hope that it will be helpful for deciding whether the analysis is adequately reported and recommending improvement to the authors.

This document is emphatically not a guide about how to perform MCMC analyses in general. That topic can, and does, fill entire textbooks. This document will sometimes recommend particular techniques, but we generally trust you, the practicitioner, to make the choices that are appropriate to your particular problem. We make recommendations on how to accurately and thoroughly describe what you’ve done, not how to choose what to do in the first place.


These recommendations are motivated by two goals that should be considered equally important:

The first goal is reproducibility. People should be able to rerun your analysis, or run something that should be indistinguishable from it in practice. The general issue of scientific reproducibility is of course much larger than this one topic, and we won’t get into it here, but we do believe that this is a basic cornerstone of scientific practice.

The second goal is usability. People should be able to understand the results of your analysis and use them correctly in their own work. It’s sad to admit it, but here in the real world, people do not always read papers and figures in as much detail as they should, so it is important that the superficial reader come away with the correct “big picture”.

Describing Your Methods

When describing MCMC methods, our general stance is that one should always err on the side of being explicit and thorough: while it is true that in a certain sense, it doesn’t matter how many “burn-in” samples you discard so long as you discard enough, it takes very little effort or text to just report the number. We can think of no compelling reason to deny your future readers that piece of information should they happen to find it interesting.

We recommend that descriptions of MCMC analyses include the following pieces of information at a minimum.

An explicit statement of all priors. Authors will sometimes write something vague such as “we used an uninformative prior for nuisance parameter x” but this is, well, not that informative. When there are many parameters, the prior can effectively be summarized in a table, using a notation such as U(0,1) to indicate a uniform distribution on the exclusive unit interval.

An explicit statement of the sampling algorithm. This should include a reference to the algorithm itself (e.g., the Goodman & Weare affine invariant sampler) and the software package implementing it (e.g. emcee). If the implementation of the sampler is bespoke, it should be described to whatever level of detail is appropriate for software in your field. (However, to editorialize, in most cases you should probably be using a proven and established package rather than your own code.) If the sampling algorithm involves tunable parameters, any non-default settings should be reported.

An explicit statement of the likelihood function or a sufficiently detailed description such a reader could reliably be expected to reproduce it exactly.

It is fairly common for MCMC likelihood computations to involve forward modeling of a data-generating process, then comparison of the simulated data to actual observations. Ideally, readers should be able to exactly reproduce your forward modeling process, but sometimes these models can be immensely complex pieces of software. Once again, in these cases the model should be described to whatever level of detail is appropriate for software in your field.

An explicit statement of the initialization conditions for your MCMC chains.

Specification of the number of chains run, number of steps per chain, number of discarded (“burn-in”) samples, and thinning factor used when gathering samples of the posterior.

Describing Your Results

Your MCMC analysis results in some number of samples drawn from a posterior distribution. When describing the results, the overarching goals are to demonstrate that the samples capture the true shape of the posterior, and to provide a fair characterization of the posterior’s shape as inferred from the samples.

We recommend that, at a minimum, reported MCMC results include the following pieces of information regarding the properties of the chains:

A summary of the autocorrelation lengths of the MCMC chains for each parameter, and a derived number of independent samples of the key parameters (computed simply as the total number of samples divided by the autocorrelation length). If there are many parameters, some summary numbers (e.g., the longest and shortest autocorrelation lengths out of all of the parameters, and the corresponding smallest and largest numbers of independent samples) are fine. TODO: a good reference addressing the question of “how many independent samples are enough?”.

Likewise, the jump acceptance fractions computed for each chain, or a summary of them if there are many chains and/or parameters. Acceptance fractions outside the range of 10–90% suggest that the sampler is not well-matched to your problem and are cause for concern, since your samples may not be fully exploring the posterior distribution.

A quantitative convergence criterion indicating that your chains have likely converged to fully and adequately sample the posterior distribution. The Gelman-Rubin criterion is popular, but it is important to note that it is not valid to apply it naively when using the emcee sampler, since Gelman-Rubin examines correlations between chains and emcee imposes correlations on its chains. TODO: check out Geweke (1992) criterion cited in Montet’s paper.

In most cases, more emphasis is placed on the shape of the n-dimensional probability distribution inferred from the MCMC posterior samples, rather than the samples themselves. However, if you think that readers of your work may wish to perform studies based on the detailed characteristics of your posterior, the best way to enable this is to provide a machine-readable table of all of your samples, including parameter values, the computed likelihood, and prior probabilities. We normally consider this an “extra credit” level of detail, but it bears emphasizing that these samples are the fundamental data product of an MCMC analysis.

All further reporting is fundamentally a question of fairly representing the probability distribution implied by your samples. No hard and fast rules will apply across all possible results, and in some cases there will be no simple numerical summary that fairly conveys the shape of the resulting probability distribution.

However, in many cases a popular representation is a “triangle” or “corner” plot of two-dimensional marginalizations of your parameters. (TODO: example). It is fair to ignore nuisance parameters if their correlations with the parameters of interest are not significant, especially since corner plots become difficult to parse as the number of parameters plotted exceeds four or five.

In most cases, the reader will be interested in summary statistics describing the marginalized posterior probability distribution inferred for each non-nuisance parameter. We recommend reporting the median value and a 68% credible region when such a distribution is unimodal, approximately Gaussian in shape, and not highly correlated with another parameter. There are multiple ways to determine credible intervals, and a large literature describing their strengths and weaknesses. (TODO: examples.) Subsequent analysis should not be sensitive to the precise bounds of the reported credible interval, so the particular method used should not be particularly important.

Readers will assume that distributions are Gaussian in shape unless you indicate otherwise. Therefore it is often particularly important to investigate whether your posterior distributions are leptokurtic (fat-tailed) compared to a Gaussian distribution, i.e. whether they contain more 3σ outliers than would be expected in a Gaussian approximation.

If the posterior for a parameter is not unimodally distributed, or it is highly correlated with one ore more other parameters, summarizations of its posterior should highlight these properties and typical “X ± Y” summaries should be avoided since casual readers will assume that parameters are approximately Gaussian-distributed and not correlated with one another. If a set of parameters are correlated but have unimodal, approximately normal distributions, an appropriate summary might be a covariance matrix.

Finally, the shrinkage of the posterior distribution relative to the prior distributions should be investigated. In some cases, it will be obvious that the posterior distributions are significantly narrower than the priors and quantitative analysis of this matter is overkill. If it is not obvious, the appropriate course of action will depend on the situation. If the shape of a posterior distribution is largely set by the shape of the prior, this should be stated clearly. Note that this is not necessarily a bad thing, if the prior distribution’s shape is non-arbitrary. TODO: I think there’s some way Single Best Way to quantify the shrinkage, using a K-L divergence or something?


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