“Make” for Scientists


Welcome to the “Make” for Scientists tutorial! We're aiming to explain a little bit about the useful Unix tool make: what it is, when you might want to use it, and how it works. We're not going to be able to teach you all the details, but hopefully we can put something new into your bag of computational tricks.

Why do we call this “Make for Scientists? Well, make is most often used by computer programmers for compiling software — so most of the tutorials that are out there focus on that use case. We'll focus on scientific workflows instead, mostly drawn from astronomy. A few mathematical topics will be briefly touched on, but none of them are central to understanding what's going on. If you're not a scientist, there's nothing scary in here; the examples will just be tilted in a direction that might be less directly useful to you.

Note: this tutorial is a work in progress. It's not yet complete or polished.

What is “Make”?

make is a venerable Unix command-line tool. It makes things.

Before running make you specify a set of recipes: “To make A, do X, then Y, then Z.” All make does is execute certain of those recipes for you. The things that make makes, such as our metasyntactic A, are called targets.

You also tell make about dependencies between targets: “A is derived from B. If B changes, A needs to be remade.” make can keep track of “freshness,” so that it knows which targets need to be remade and which don't. When you ask make to make a target, it looks at all of the dependencies to make sure that it's fully up-to-date.

On an abstract level, that's really all there is to it.

The concrete details of make's implementation are also easy to state. Targets are files on your hard drive. Freshness is recorded in the modification times of those files. And the recipes are short Unix shell scripts.

This short summary might not make it clear why make can be so useful. We'll explore its possibilities shortly. But first, a quick example to get you grounded.

A Basic Example

You tell make about your targets, their dependencies, and your recipes by writing an ASCII text file called Makefile. When you run make on the command line, it looks for Makefile in your current directory, loads up the specifications, and then ensures that your targets are up-to-date. That is, if any of them are insufficiently fresh, it reruns the appropriate recipes. If they're all fresh enough, nothing happens.

Here's a basic example Makefile:

paper.pdf: paper.tex table.tex
    pdflatex paper

table.tex: extractor.py info.fits
    ./extractor.py info.fits >table.tex

Each Makefile has a series of stanzas defining targets. The filename of each target comes before the colon. The targets upon which it depends come after the colon. Then come indented lines of shell code that, when run, will create the target. In the above example, there are two targets: paper.pdf and table.tex. The first target, paper.pdf, depends on paper.tex and table.tex, and is created by running pdflatex. If paper.tex or table.tex change, pdflatex needs to be rerun.

The target table.tex in turn depends on extractor.py and info.fits. It gets created by running this bit of shell code:

./extractor.py info.fits >table.tex

Imagine that you start in a directory that contains Makefile, paper.tex, extractor.py, and info.fits. If you run make, it will try to ensure that paper.pdf is up-to-date. paper.pdf doesn't exist at all, which is (sensibly) interpreted as being not up-to-date. Therefore it needs to be rebuilt.

But before that can be done, we need to consider the dependencies of paper.pdf: paper.tex and table.tex. There's no entry in the Makefile for paper.tex. This is also treated sensibly: as long as the file exists, it's considered up-to-date. If paper.tex did not exist, make would signal an error, saying something like

No rule to make target "paper.tex”.

table.tex, on the other hand, is listed in the Makefile with its own dependencies. These need to be checked before paper.pdf can be built. make sees that table.tex depends on extractor.py and info.fits, both of which exist, and both of which are not listed in the Makefile. No sub-dependencies need to be checked, so table.tex can be built. Once this is done, all of the dependencies of paper.pdf have been dealt with, so it too can be built.

When you run make, it prints out the commands that it's running. So the overall effect would be:

$ make
./extractor.py info.fits >table.tex
pdflatex paper

(Well, I've cheated in one way: each command that make runs prints its output as normal, so you'd also get a bunch of output from pdflatex, as well as anything that extractor.py happens to print out. This can get pretty annoying, and I recommend using a wrapper script to drive latex that hides its output by default.)

Imagine that we write up some amazing results in paper.tex and rerun make. What happens? The same evaluation from before is repeated. This time, however, table.tex exists, and none of its dependencies have been updated: the modification time of the file table.tex is newer than the times of extractor.py and info.fits. So we don't need to regenerate it. However, paper.pdf is a different story. It exists, and its dependencies exist, but it's out-of-date: paper.tex has a more recent modification time. Therefore, the pdflatex command does need to be rerun:

$ make
pdflatex paper

If you give make the name of one or more targets as command-line arguments, it will build only them. If you don't give it any arguments, as we've been showing, it builds the first target listed in your Makefile. Generally, then, you want your first target to be your final product.

$ make paper.pdf
pdflatex paper
$ make paper.tex
make: 'paper.tex' is up to date.

Stepping Back

Our example has been very simple, but hopefully it's starting to convey a couple of ways in which make is a very useful tool.

Firstly, there's make's raison d’être: its dependency tracking, which lets you keep a complicated data product up-to-date without completely recomputing it from Square One. Even in our simple example, this could be very useful if, say, the extractor.py program takes 10 minutes to run.

Secondly, there's the fact that all of your recipes are codified in your Makefile, and you can access them just by typing make. It's not too hard to type pdflatex paper once in a while, but some recipes are a lot more complicated than that, and it's important to have them stored somewhere other than your shell history. Even better, make can be your Swiss Army knife: a single place you go to for access to a whole suite of useful tools. If you have a data analysis process that generates dozens of intermediate products, make can be the single point of access for creating or updating any of them — once you've written your Makefile, make <filename> is the only thing you need to remember.

A good thing about make that may be less obvious is the way that it lets you build a complicated data pipeline from small pieces that you can reason about. Writing the Makefile stanza for a target is usually not difficult: you generally know how the recipe should go, and you just need to think about what its dependencies are. But by just writing a bunch of straightforward targets in a row, you can construct a sophisticated pipeline with complicated dependency structure. For instance, the example that we showed above could be approximated with a shell script decently; in a C shell, you could write something like

#! /bin/tcsh
# run as "./script.sh extract" or "./script.sh latex",
# depending on how much reprocessing you want to do.

goto $1

./extractor.py info.fits >table.tex

pdflatex paper

But imagine a data processing pipeline that implements a complicated flowchart. It can't be easily linearized into a shell script, and it's very difficult to write something that will rerun only the recipes that truly need it.

You can think of the targets in a Makefile as constructing a graph, in the mathematical sense. Each target is a node, and has links to other nodes: its dependencies. A Makefile actually defines a very well-known kind of graph, a Directed Acyclic Graph or DAG. It's directed because the links between nodes have a direction: “A depends on B” does not imply “B depends on A”. It's acyclic because you're not allowed to have cycles, that is, closed loops. Such a loop is a “circular dependency” in make, and it should be clear that loops like this are not compatible with make's processing model.

There is a well-developed literature regarding DAGs and thinking about dependency trees in terms of graph theory can be helpful, if your mind has a certain mathematical bent.

Incidentally, another well-respected piece of software, Git, also has a DAG as its core data structure, even though it applies it to solve a vastly different problem.

Another way of putting it is that make lets you build pipelines that get arbitrarily sophisticated, but each step along that path is straightforward and easy to check for correctness.

Some Details

We’ve talked a little bit about the cases where make is useful and given a short example of a Makefile, the recipe rule that make uses to know what to do. Now let's delve into some finer-grained details that are important for getting the most out of make.

Tabs, not Spaces

make is an old program, and as such it has some warts that are just really dumb. The most famous of these is encapsulated in the title of this subsection. Let's look at another example fragment of a Makefile:

mytool: mytool.c mytool.h mytable.h
    gcc -g -O2 -Wall -o mytool mytool.c

mytable.h: maketable.py mytable.dat
    python maketable.py mytable.dat >mytable.h

We mentioned before that the recipes to make each target are indented. What we didn't mention is that this indent must be made from a single hit of the “tab” key, and nothing else. Not four spaces, not eight spaces, not spaces and a tab. This is dumb because the difference between these variations is essentially invisible, but that’s just how things are.

Most decent text editors are aware of this and make sure that the Makefiles they generate have the right contents. But some programs won’t get this right. Another thing to look out for is copying and pasting code from terminal windows or webpages (such as this one!). Even if the original file uses tabs, the conversion can sometimes change them to spaces and break the Makefile.


You can — and should — define variables in Makefiles. They look a bit like variables in command-line shells, but you have to wrap them in parentheses to get their values:

CC = gcc
MYCFLAGS = -g -O2 -Wall

mytool: mytool.c mytool.h mytable.h
    $(CC) $(MYCFLAGS) -o mytool mytool.c

As in many scripting-type languages, an undefined variable expands to nothing without causing a warning or an error.

You can override the values of variables by setting them as command-line arguments to make:

$ make mytool MYCFLAGS="-g -O0 -DDEBUG=1"
gcc -g -O0 -DDEBUG=1 -o mytool mytool.c

However, you shouldn't put yourself in situations where you need to do this with any regularity. One of the cardinal virtues of make is that it generates its outputs repeatably, and if special variable values need to be passed on the command line, you create many opportunities to lose that repeatability.

Variables in make can also get their values from environment variables exported by the program calling make (your shell, usually). Unlike the command-line settings shown above, environment-variable settings function as defaults, not overrides: they take effect if the variable doesn't get set in the Makefile, but not if it does. If you use a bash shell, one way to temporarily set an environment variable is like this:

$ VERBOSE=1 make foo

which amusingly means that the following command may be equivalent to the one above, if the variable VERBOSE is not assigned in the Makefile:

$ make foo VERBOSE=1

Recipe Contents

All of the make recipes that we've shown so far have been very simple shell-script one-liners. You can write more complicated recipes if you want, subject to a few limitations.

# Make sure that cross-references are fully up-to-date!
paper.pdf: paper.tex table.tex
    pdflatex paper
    bibtex paper
    pdflatex paper >/dev/null
    pdflatex paper

# Can be overridden: make install prefix=/opt
prefix = /usr/local

install: myprogram doccompile
    mkdir -p $(prefix)/bin $(prefix)/share/myprogram
    cp -p myprogram $(prefix)/bin
    for f in datafiles/*.dat ; do \
      doccompile $$f --destdir $(prefix)/share/myprogram ; \

As we see, you can write multiple-line recipes. These recipes are passed off to your shell so you can do anything that your shell supports: output redirection, backgrounding, all sorts of crazy things. Of course, you should keep things simple; generally speaking, most recipes in a well-written Makefile just invoke a single command.

What's not apparent above is that each line is executed in its own separate little shell. So, for instance, if you set a shell variable in the first line of your recipe, its value won't carry over into the second line. The bottom half of the example shows how to work around this: if you end a Makefile line with a backslash, it gets treated as a single command. Backslashes have this effect in any part of a Makefile, not just the recipe lines.

When make is executing recipes, it gives up with an error message if any of the shell commands exit with an error code (that is, an exit code other than zero). If the recipe is composed of several un-backslashed lines, as with paper.pdf above, it will give up on the first error.

If a given line of a recipe is prefixed with a dash (-), make will ignore any error codes, and it’ll continue on merrily even if the command yields an error. This is generally useful you're writing nontrivial recipe shell scripts, since some plumbing-type utilities exit with nonzero codes in non-error situations.

If a given line is prefixed with an at-sign (@), make won’t print the line before executing it. This is also useful for nontrivial recipe scripts that just clutter the screen without providing the user with any useful information.


You often see special make targets that are not intended to produce actual files. Instead, they just provide a convenient way to run little shell scripts. For example, you might write:

    -rm -f *.o mytool

.PHONY: clean

Running make clean will simply run the command rm -f *.o mytool, which presumably deletes some intermediate files that can be reconstructed if needed. The .PHONY construct is a hint to make that tells it not to expect a file named clean to get created; it's not necessary but can sometimes be helpful and prevent strange behavior in unusual circumstances.

Certain names for action targets are used nearly universally:


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